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items below are all sold out.

W-01 Itamegami Stationery Set
(12 foldover note cards and envelopes,
in kiri- Paulownia wood box)

W-02 Itamegami Postcard
("mimi-tsuki", set of 24 cards)

W-03 Itamegami Business Cards
("mimi-tsuki", 100 cards)

W-04 Itamegami Sheet
(45 cm x 55 cm, 10 sheets)

W-05 Itamegami Sheet (large size)

(Size and thickness will be made according to request, and the price will vary accordingly, orders will be taken from 100 sheets. Please contact us for further information on how to order)

Rare books on Washi
B-02 Pocket Book on Washi I
(in Japanese)

B-03 Pocket Book on Washi II
(in Japanese)

B-04 Handbook on the Art of Washi
(in English)


handmadejapan.com plans to introduce and sell various types of handmade washi and washi products. Please contact us for any inquiries about washi you wish to purchase.




When talking about handmade washi, one often hears the word "mimi-tsuki" being used. When a large sheet is cut into smaller sizes, the edges are cut straight. Handmade washi are characterized with fluffy fibers resulting in furry edges on the four edges of the sheet. These untrimmed furry edges unique to handmade washi are called "mimi-tsuki".



(C)Copyright 2000 Johmon-sha Inc, All rights reserved.


(C)Copyright 2000 Johmon-sha Inc, All rights reserved.